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One year of

I almost forgot, but today my website (at least, as it currently is) is one year old! My first post was written on November 25th, 2022. It’s interesting to think it’s been a year now, it honestly doesn’t really feel like it. But when I look back… yeah, ok maybe I feel it now.

Surprisingly, I have few screenshots of designs of the site over time, but I imagine some of them are on the Wayback Machine or something. Perhaps I should remaster some of them and try to use them again lol. But here’s a look back at nick64 through 2022-now.

An early home page for when I was figuring out what to even put here. during Christmas of 2022

The previous design of prior to the current one. at present day, present time

For whoever reads these posts on this site, or even looks at my social media posts, thank you. I’m glad that I made this site and I’m glad that at least somebody out there may be reading. I hope to continue writing on this site for more years to come.