Small website overhaul
August 19, 2024

It’s been a while since I’ve really done much with the website, but today’s the day that’s gonna change… and then not update it for another year.

The new homepage for!
Some things might pop out immediately so I want to get them out of the way, starting with…
No, they’re not real ads, I haven’t sold out (yet). This banner on the side shows a random assortment of fake ads created for the site. I thought it would give the site some more character to have a banner there, and make it more reminiscient of other old sites, like how Roblox let users make ads. I think it’s a cool touch, and I’m grateful to my friends who helped create most of the ads so far. Each ad made by them will have their webpage links on them, so check them out!

Just a sampler of what's on here! Keep reloading and check out the ads!
And hey y’know, if you want to make an ad or something, feel free to send it to me in my email or my social media!
The marquee
I was looking at the old Roblox marquee they would have on top of games and thought, “Huh, that looks cool.” So I put it on my own site! It just displays a random quote or text every reload, so it’ll give a small bit of fun whenever going on a new page.

funny haha
The “Archive” tab has now been renamed to “Misc”, and on top of that, a couple of new sections were added.

Cool Websites to Explore
This was a section I wanted to make for a while, it’s less of a practical thing and more just a fun thing for myself, listing all the websites on the internet that I like for some reason or another, but I also hope people can use it as a resource for finding something new, or maybe inspiriation, or something.
I had talked for a while about making a “simple” layout for the site, one that would work with many more devices than the current one, and I think it’s at the point that I’m ready to present it… I actually had it up for a week or two now, I just never announced it lol.

This is the homepage for the new “Simple” layout of I haven’t tested it on a lot of hardware, but it should work decently far back. My main focus was to get it working on my PSP, which I think I did pretty well, but I’ve tested it on other browsers too, such as IE6, and even the DS browser.
The aesthetic design of the site is vastly different than, and it’s because I felt it was easier to try something new to make it easier to design, rather than trying to implement a bunch of tricks that might not work to recreate how the modern site looks, and also because IT’S FUN and COOL!!!!! I really like how it turned out, it’s not as colorful, but I think it has a sleek design that still has that old web charm.
Many pages are missing on this version of the site, since it’s meant to be a no frills version, so it’s only the home page, posts, and the Info page. Maybe I’ll think about adding more in the future, but that’s how I’m gonna keep it for now. Check it out!
Hopefully I can get myself to use this site more, mainly just typing small things every once in a while, but in the meantime, I’ve also been working on some stuff for the YouTube channel, so look forward to that!
Thanks for reading, and enjoy the new site :)